• beauty

    3 Advanced Laser Services That Beat Botox Which Everyone Is Talking About

    3 Advanced Laser Services Provided by Medical Spas

    Unlike more conventional skin treatments like Botox and anti wrinkle creams, laser treatments are a fairly new concept, but due to the increased demand for these types of services – more and more medical spas and salons are beginning to offer them. Although the uses of lasers are still being expanded upon, there are 3 particular services that have helped tens of thousands of people to enjoy smoother, clearer looking skin in the past few years alone. These services include:

    Laser for hair removal

    Up until fairly recently, the only few ways to remove unwanted body and facial hair was via waxing, plucking, shaving and threading. Although these methods can be highly effective – the main issue is that they don’t last for very long. Shaving can result in an increased rate of hair growth, while plucking will typically offer slightly longer lasting results, albeit still fairly short.

    Laser hair removal on the other hand is capable of ridding unwanted body hair from a variety of regions on the body. Furthermore, one treatment could keep hair away for up to two months, with consistent exposure being capable of completely eliminating hair regrowth from an area.

    Laser skin rejuvenation

    The dermal layers of our skin are constantly undergoing cycles of growth and renewal. During this process, dead and dying skin cells are supposed to flake off – but an unfortunate side effect of sebum secreted by our pores can result in clumping. Over the years, these cells can begin to weigh skin down, resulting in wrinkles, age lines and crows’ feet.

    Laser skin rejuvenation works by targeting a focused beam of laser light that will travel across the upper layer of skin, destroying dead skin cells and revealing a smoother, softer complexion underneath. The process won’t need to be undertaken often, with results occurring upon completion. There are numerous local clinics in your area offering promotional introductions for treatments – why not check one out before Christmas?

    Often patients undergo this kind of treatment in conjunction with Botox and dermal filler anti wrinkle work. See: https://www.aestheticsurgery.com.au/sydney-cosmetic-surgery-dermal-fillers/

    Tattoo removal

    Tattoos have only recently been linked to causing skin cancer and mutations within the cells of dermal layers. The more tattoos that a person has, the likelier they will be of developing this life-threatening condition. This can be more than enough reason to have a tattoo removed, but other reasons can be a little more personally motivated. In any event, lasers can help with this endeavour.

    By focusing the beam on parts of the tattoo it can be possible to break the pigment down until it is all but invisible. The duration of the process will depend on the size and shape of the tattoo – as well as the colours used. In the majority of cases, between 4 and 8 sessions will be needed for complete removal.




    Courses Available Starting In November 2018
    Skin Cancer Specialist
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    Dermabrasion Versus Microdermabrasion – which is the best for smooth soft skin.

    Dermabrasion Versus Microdermabrasion

    When it comes to smooth, soft skin there are two particular treatments that are at the forefront of many salon services. They are called dermabrasion and microdermabrasion; two therapies that are similar in name, but very different by nature. On one side of the coin you have a solution that is effective when providing smooth, younger looking skin. On the other, you have an option that can strip dead and dying cells to reveal a much fresher complexion.

    Understanding Dermabrasion

    This type of treatment is one of the most common found within cosmetic clinics; particularly those that specialise in skin care. Derma means skin, hence the term dermal layers being used for the individual sheets of skin that can be found throughout the human body. It’s these layers that are responsible for producing skin cells and as new cells are formed, the older ones are forced upwards.

    Over time these cells can begin to build up, often weighing down the skin; which can lead to sagging, wrinkling and age lines in general. Dermabrasion works to ‘plane’ the surface of the skin, which acts to shave the upper most dermal layer in a unique way. Rather than using a razor blade to remove hair – dermabrasion therapies are ideal for targeting the dead and dying cells, allowing them to separate from other living cells to reveal a much smoother complexion underneath.

    Getting to Grips with Microdermabrasion

    Where the previously mentioned treatment is ideal for removing dead skin cells from the face, microdermabrasion differs in the way that it functions; even if it offers quite similar results. Instead of planing the surface of skin, this technique relies on thousands of tiny microcrystals which are blasted onto the surface of the outermost dermal layer, lifting away dirt, impurities and dead skin cells.

    The treatment is entirely safe and doesn’t use any harmful chemicals whatsoever. Although the thought of having air and microcrystals blasted against the skin might be a daunting prospect, the truth is that it is painless – and as the crystals are organic, there are no health concerns associated, nor any side effects beyond slight tingling to mark the passage of blood flow.

    Both of these treatments can be a very effective way to reveal a clean, fresh and younger looking complexion to the skin – and because of their gentle nature, they can be enjoyed as often as once or twice a month. For maximum results, always consult a trained therapist and consider pairing this service with a filler to minimise the look of wrinkles, whilst maximising the health and functionality of your dermal layers.

    Dermabrasion available in Australia