• Bartier Perry Lawyers

    Bartier Perry Lawyers

    Bartier Perry Lawyers, the rising star of the legal world, has just made a big move by adding four top-tier partners to its already impressive lineup. Rebecca Hegarty, Andrew Grima, Shawn Skyring, and Nick Kallipolitis, all formerly of NSW-based mid-tier firm Coleman Greig, have joined forces with Bartier Perry, bringing the number of partners to 37.

    Bartier Perry Lawyers’s recent launch

    This exciting news comes on the heels of Bartier Perry Lawyers’s recent launch of an organizational fraud practice and its groundbreaking 20-week, gender-neutral parental leave policy. The firm is making a strong statement in the industry and attracting top talent from around the country.

    Bartier Perry Lawyers’s recent launch

    Bartier Perry Lawyers CEO, Riana Steyn, had this to say about the latest additions to the team: “These four lateral hires bring not only extensive experience in their respective practice areas but also a strong cultural, professional, and client service alignment with Bartier Perry.”

    The firm’s focus on developing clear pathways for internal promotions along with strategic lateral hires has paid off, and according to Steyn, more senior appointments are on the horizon. 2022 was a busy year for Bartier Perry, and with no signs of slowing down, the future looks bright for this emerging BigLaw firm.

    This move follows recent partnerships announced by top firms, including K&L Gates and Wotton + Kearney. The legal industry is buzzing with excitement, and Bartier Perry is at the forefront of this wave of growth and change.

    Lawyers Weekly – Bartier Perry Lawyers

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  • Denis Mackenzie Trial of An Outlaw

    Denis Mackenzie Trial

    Denis Mackenzie Trial of an Outlaw and Sheep Ruster

    Denis Mackenzie was a Scottish outlaw and sheep rustler. He was born in Ross-shire, Scotland, in 1820. His exploits in New Zealand have made him a folk hero. His name is also known as Denis Mckenzie, John Mckenzie, and Jock Mckenzie.

    Jamie Mackenzie was a Scottish outlaw

    Jamie Mackenzie was a Scottish outcast during the 17th century. His exploits landed him in jail and on the run. Jamie survives the Battle of Culloden and goes on to live as an outlaw. During the course of his life, he meets Claire and becomes pregnant. He is later imprisoned for dueling in the Bastille. Claire, however, rescues Jamie and escapes to France. The couple eventually reunite and decide to move to France, where Jamie lives in a cave.

    Jamie’s full name is Denis Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, a long and complicated name. He is also known by many other nicknames, including Red Jamie and Alex MacKenzie. The nickname Red Jamie comes from his flaming red hair.

    Denis Mackenzie was a sheep rustler

    Denis Mackenzie was a New Zealand sheep rustler outlaw, captured in 1855. He was caught with about 1,000 sheep he had stolen from the Levels station in the upper Waitaki River basin. When he was caught, he denied having stolen the sheep, claiming he was hired by John Mossman to drive them to Otago. He later walked more than one hundred miles to Lyttelton and was recaptured. He was sentenced to five years hard labour.

    After his trial and spending nine months in Lyttelton gaol, Denis managed to escape twice. He had written to the Governor, Colonel Thomas Browne, explaining that he had been paid by an unknown man to drive sheep from Dalgety Pass. Despite being sentenced to a nine-month prison term, he managed to escape twice before his trial. In 1856, he was pardoned by Colonel Browne. He wrote a letter to Colonel Browne, describing the incident, which led to his pardon.

    Denis Mackenzie’s relationship with Claire Fraser

    Claire Fraser was Jamie’s sister and the main character in the television series “Outlander.” The current mistress of Lallybroch, Janet Fraser Murray, had doubts about Claire’s intentions toward her brother. But she quickly came to realize her love for Jamie. She began to spend more time with him and soon Claire found herself becoming one of his most loyal friends.

    Claire and Jamie Fraser have several relatives. One of the Frasers is Jamie’s brother, who married Maura Grant, and Jamie’s mother was Geillis. Denis Mackenzie’s family descends from this clan. However, his biological son, William Buccleigh, is raised by his parents William and Sarah MacKenzie. Eventually, Claire kills Geillis in the season three finale.

    Red Jamie’s exploits in the Battle of Prestonpans

    The Battle of Prestonpans is the first significant conflict of the second Jacobite Rising. It took place on September 21, 1745 in East Lothian. It was fought between a Jacobite army loyal to Denis Francis Edward Stuart and Bonnie Prince Charlie and an army loyal to King George II. It was originally called the Battle of Gladsmuir. It was the first major battle of the Jacobite Rising and was won by the Jacobite army. In this epic battle, young Bonnie Prince Charlie and Charles Edward Stuart led a successful Jacobite army that defeated a redcoat army loyal to George II.

    The Duke of Sandringham is a questionable character and complicit in most of the heroes’ suffering. In this chapter, he reveals his evil plan to the sisters and explains it to Jamie. As a result of this, Jamie and Claire are captured by the Redcoats and are taken prisoner. After this, Jamie’s unit is ambushed by the Redcoats.

    After his trial : Denis Mackenzie’s pardon

    Originally from England, Denis Mackenzie immigrated to Australia about 1849. His father was a crown servant who died in the country. He escaped twice from prison and was sentenced to five years’ hard labour. After his second escape, he was placed in irons. His case was reviewed by the resident magistrate of Christchurch, Henry Tancred. His investigation uncovered major flaws in the police investigation and trial. Eventually, a free pardon was granted and Mackenzie left the country, most likely to Australia.

    Though he was not the most prominent outlaw, the Denis Mackenzie trial story has earned him admiration. He was a hero to marginalised groups, such as small would-be farmers and people who did not fit into the genteel society of Canterbury. However, there is little information about his personal life.

    Famous Aussie Bush Outlaws

  • contract law and consumer rights

    Your legal rights as an Australian Consumer – contract law and consumer rights

    What Are the Australian Consumer Laws

    Having a clear understanding of Australian consumer laws is important for anyone looking to do business in Australia because having an understanding of these laws can help ensure you and your business are protected from any unfair or illegal behaviour.

    Unfair contract terms

    Typically, Australian consumer laws, which are enforced by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) protect consumers from unfair contract terms. Both of these agencies work together to ensure a consistent approach to compliance.

    Unfair contract terms are those terms whaich are often hidden in the fine print or schedule of the contract that limit the obligations of one party, or that allow one party to terminate the contract without reason resulting in a significant imbalance in the contract obligations between the parties.

    If a term is unfair, a court can declare it void which means typically, the court will balance the commercial interests of the business against the detriment to the consumer.

    Moreover, the Australian government have announced that new legislation that will soon strengthen the law against further unfair contract terms in standard form contracts will be passed in the future. It will include changes to the UCT regime, have more stringent prohibitions against unfair contract terms, and will outline new civil penalties for subsequent breaches.

    The proposed legislation is designed to give the ACCC more power to protect consumers including an increase in penalties for breaches of the competition and consumer law.

    Australian consumer laws are governed by both the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) 

    What is the ‘Standard form’ contract

    Despite the fact that standard form contracts are widely used by businesses, they are also prone to contain such terms that are unfair. Australia’s Unfair Contract Terms legislation is designed to help prevent this.

    The UCTL provides courts with a framework to determine whether a term in a standard form contract is fair allowing the court to take into account the relative bargaining power of the parties, whether the contract was pre-prepared and whether the purchasing party was given an opportunity to negotiate the terms.

    While a term that sets a price is exempt from the “fairness test”, other terms can still be considered unfair such as penalty clauses which penalises one party and whether the contract was made available to the other party and accessible to consumers.

    Although the Australian Consumer Law seeks to protect small business operators and consumers from unfair terms in standard form contracts it is still important for businesses to review contracts to ensure that they comply with the law.

    The ACCC has outlined a number of areas in which consumers and small business operators may be at risk from unfair contract terms. These include contracts in the airline, travel, fitness, vehicle rental and telecommunications industries. The ACCC has also raised concerns about standard form contracts used by online traders.


    On buying a property and contract law.

    Some examples of unfair terms in contracts

    payments of compensation – what does this mean in a legal context

    Whether you are a business or a consumer, you should be aware of the many examples of unfair terms in contracts under Australian consumer laws. Some examples include automatic renewal clauses, restrictions on reviews and customer feedback, and restrictive evidence terms. These terms may seem like a good idea, but they can actually impede the consumer’s ability to get a fair price and to take legal action against a business.

    Definition: a term may seem to be an unfair term on its own

    An example of an automatic renewal clause is one that requires the customer to pay a fee to terminate a contract. This may seem reasonable as part of the overall contract, but the example is also the least likely to be considered an unfair term.

    A more interesting example of an automatic renewal term is a clause that imposes a penalty for a contract to be cancelled. This type of term is unfair if the consumer has no choice. It is also not the most interesting example, but it may be considered the most significant.

    Another example of a slur is a contract that requires the consumer to pay an extra fee to terminate the contract. It may be unfair to charge a consumer a fee for exercising a right, but it is not.

    More on contract law specialist lawyers

    A less enlightened example of an example of an unfair term is a term that limits the consumer’s ability to gather evidence. This may be an impressive feat, but it is also an example of a term that limits the consumer’s legal rights.

    How to bring legal proceedings in a foreign jurisdiction.

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  • home

    Using shade awnings to create a beautiful environment for your home in summer

    What Retractable Roof System is Best For Your Home? The guys at Soltex have the answer.

    Whether you are building a new home or looking to replace your old roof, it is important to have an idea of what retractable roof systems are available. They come in a variety of forms and can be a great way to add value to your home. Some of the most common types include skylight awnings, pivot arm awnings, and retractable roofs. You can also consider open louvre roofs and external venetian blinds.

    Folding arm awnings

    Adding an folding arm awning to your outdoor space will not only make you feel cooler, but it will also protect your furniture and other objects from damaging UV rays. This means that you can enjoy your outdoor living space year round without worrying about sun damage.

    Awnings can be manufactured in a variety of styles and colours. Some awnings are also motorised, making them easier and more convenient to use. Depending on the type of awning you choose, the cost can vary.

    Folding arm awnings are also a great way to create an outdoor dining or entertaining space. They will elevate your outdoor area and provide a nice view. You can also protect your guests from glare and UV rays. Awnings can be used in residential as well as commercial applications.

    Folding arm awnings are great for shade and can reduce the temperature inside your home. They are easy to maintain and can last up to 30 years. A foldable awning is a great addition to your outdoor space, and you can also customize your awning to match the existing structure of your house.

    Folding arm awnings are a great way to provide shade and protect your furnishings from the harsh summer sun. They also protect your eyes from glare and UV rays.

    Skylight awnings

    Using retractable roof systems for your home or business gives you the option to fully or partially open your ceiling to the sky. This provides access to the outdoors while still meeting building codes.

    The best part of retractable roof systems is that they can be used for more than just sun protection. They offer a variety of options, including dimmable 360-degree LED down lighting and 100% rain protection.

    Using skylight awnings is a great way to increase your indoor comfort while maintaining a green outlook. You can also control the amount of light and heat that enters your home or office.

    These devices come in a variety of sizes and styles. Many are constructed of specialty fabrics such as UV ray resistant, stain resistant, and waterproof. These specialty fabrics also come in a variety of colors. They are ideal for residential and commercial applications.

    A retractable roof system can give you an outdoor living space year round. They also allow for fresh air in the summer and cool air in the winter.

    A retractable roof system can also be a great alternative to a solid door or hatch. They are also an inexpensive way to make a home or business look great.

    Pivot arm awnings

    Adding a retractable roof system to your home is a great way to add shade and insulative benefits to your outside spaces. These systems can protect your furnishings from the harsh rays of the sun, as well as provide rain and wind protection. They can also help you save energy by reducing your cooling costs.

    There are many different types of retractable roof systems available on the market. Each type has its own advantages. Some of the main advantages are the fact that these systems don’t require electricity to operate such as a pivot arm awning. They are also flexible, and can be easily opened and closed to ensure that you have the perfect shade for your outdoor space.

    These systems are made of durable weather-resistant fabrics. They come in a variety of colours and styles. They can be wired or wireless, and are also available with rain sensors. You can also add a built-in lighting system to your retractable roof. This will create a warm and cozy atmosphere.

    These retractable awnings are great for large windows. When they are retracted, they neatly fold in against your building. They are also wind resistant, and can be operated with a motorized package. They can also be linked to your home automation systems.

    Open louvre roofs

    Whether you have an outdoor patio area, pool area or a dining room, a retractable louvre roof is a great way to protect your surroundings. These systems are relatively easy to install and allow you to control the amount of natural light that flows into your home.

    There are several types of louvre roofs, ranging from manual to automatic. Manual ones have a lever that can be pulled down, while automatic ones have a button that can be pressed. Both of these options are great for keeping your outdoor area cool on a hot day.

    These systems can also be fitted with optional sensors that help keep your property protected from weather. If you are using a pergola system, you can also add retractable louvre blades to keep out the rain.

    These systems are easy to install and come in a wide range of colours and frame designs. They are a great way to add a touch of elegance to your home or business.

    These systems are also relatively cheap, compared to other types of roofing materials. Most companies use aluminium, a material that is sturdy, durable and affordable. These systems come with a 10 year warranty on the louvres.

    External venetian blinds

    Providing shade and privacy while maintaining a view of the outdoors, external Venetian blinds on retractable roof systems can be a stylish alternative to curtains. They are an ideal solution for homes, offices, and other buildings with glazed facades.

    External Venetian blinds are manufactured in a range of colours and materials. The slats can be angled to block direct sunlight or completely closed as required. They are held in place by stainless steel wire guides.

    The Helioshade HV80 external venetian blind is a high performance and robust shading system, which offers unsurpassed light control. Its innovative design allows the slats to be adjusted from 55mm to 74mm from the wall. They reduce solar heat gain by up to 90% and offer optimal heat protection.

    External Venetian blinds can also reduce the glare of sunlight. They are ideal for use in outdoor living areas, and provide the same level of privacy as internal blinds. They can also be joined to provide a wider area of coverage.

    External Venetian blinds on retractable roof systems are available in various materials, styles, and designs. They are a stylish and safe alternative to curtains, and work beautifully with the architectural design of your building.

    Retractable awnings

    Whether you’re planning for an event, looking to improve the look of your building, or want to create a great outdoor living area, you can do so with retractable roof systems and retractable awnings. These retractable roof systems are made to be flexible, so they can open and close within a matter of seconds, and they also offer protection against the sun and rain.

    When it comes to choosing retractable roof systems and retractable awnings, you’ll want to find a product that’s durable and made from high-quality materials. Some are made from water-resistant fabric, while others can be operated electronically.

    If you’re looking for retractable awnings for your home, you can find a variety of designs in a range of materials. A few models are designed to automatically retract, while others are manually operated. Regardless of which type you choose, you can also find a variety of styles and colors.

    If you’re looking for the best retractable awnings for your home, check out the ones offered by Northeast Awning. These retractable awnings offer superior protection from the sun and rain, and they are custom-made to fit your needs.

    In addition, you can also find retractable pergola systems that are designed to be mounted on your existing structure. These retractable canopies can provide extra protection from the sun and rain, as well as increase the value of your home.

    External shutters

    Whether you have a new home or are renovating an existing one, adding external shutters such as plantation shutters onto retractable roof systems can add value and comfort to your home. They offer an ideal solution to block heat, sunlight and cold, and provide superior protection from burglars and intrusion. They are also a great way to add privacy and shade to windows.

    External shutters can be made of many different materials. Some are constructed from aluminum, and other materials are fabric. The material used will depend on the features you want to have. Most systems include a mechanical rod or motor that is used to crank the shutter open and close. Some systems allow you to manually operate the shutter from inside the home.

    Unlike awnings, exterior shutters provide a finished look, and allow you to enjoy the outdoors without sacrificing privacy. They also add to the financial value of your home. There are many different options, and you will find one that best suits your needs.

    Exterior rolling shutters are perfect for doors, patios, and windows. They provide privacy and protection from the elements, and they also reduce energy costs. They can be controlled using a wall switch or a phone. They are also ideal for protecting against extreme weather.

    Author : Real Estate Agent

  • Ben Jones M and G

    Ben Jones M and G – How to choose a real estate investment fund

    How to Choose a Real Estate Investment Fund

    Profit distribution from the fund

    “What is a hedge fund” – 2023 video update

    According to Ben Jones at M&G, Real estate investment funds are structured and established to generate profits for investors. They may have certain objectives, minimum investment amounts, and minimum distribution levels. Funds may also target particular types of properties or locations. Investors should carefully evaluate each real estate investment fund before making a purchase. Aside from the specific objectives, real estate funds also have risk and reward considerations.

    The income generated by real estate investment funds is distributed to investors through a variety of means. Some funds have a preferred return option, while others offer a pro rata share of profits. The amount and timing of these distributions are based on the fund’s waterfall structure. These waterfall structures can be complicated and have several tiers.

    Real estate funds come in many different varieties, including those that buy single-family homes and others that buy multi-family properties and rent them out. Some specialize in one strategy or the other, and many exist to accommodate both strategies. Before you invest, however, it’s important to understand the tax implications associated with flipping or holding properties. Profits from flipping or renting out a property are subject to short-term capital gains tax and long-term capital gains tax.

    Tax implications of dividends

    When determining whether to invest in a real estate investment fund, it’s vital to understand the tax implications of the fund’s dividends. These dividends are taxable, and you’ll pay tax on 80% of the fund’s net income. Ordinary dividends will be subject to the same tax rate, although you can take advantage of tax treaties or get advance rulings to avoid paying taxes on REIT distributions.

    The tax benefits of investing in a REIT include the fact that you can deduct 20% of your capital gains and ordinary dividends from your income tax return. Additionally, the investment can be tax-advantaged because you’ll only pay state taxes in the state in which you live.

    Another advantage of investing in a real estate investment fund is the ability to defer taxes for some time. Many real estate investors choose to defer taxes for five or ten years. This will provide them with significant long-term benefits and will allow them to grow their capital more quickly. Unlike with other forms of investments, rental income is not subject to some kinds of taxes, which can be an important feature for many investors.

    The tax consequences of investing in a real estate investment fund can be complicated. For example, you may have to pay taxes on the sale proceeds of the property if the funds are non-resident. While that’s not ideal, there are election options available to structure your UK real estate investments.

    Limitation of liability of the fund’s structure

    Choosing the right fund structure can be crucial to the success of your business. Mutual funds, for example, often have provisions that limit their liability. A fund’s liability may be limited to the value of the investment portfolio, but it may also extend for a specified period of time. In some cases, funds have optional extension periods to allow for unexpected changes in the value of investments and disposition strategies.

    Costs associated with the fund

    There are many costs associated with real estate investment funds. Initially, investors must pay a committed capital fee, which is reduced proportionally as money is invested. Later on, there are investment management fees, which are typically between 1% and 2% of invested equity. These fees cover the expenses associated with sourcing and due diligence on new properties.

    Other fees that accompany a real estate investment fund include fees to third-party vendors. Some of these entities are owned or controlled by the sponsor of the fund. These entities are paid through the sponsor’s affiliates, but the amounts depend on the nature of the services provided. It is important to understand what each affiliate is paid.

    Most real estate investment funds offer a wide range of real estate investments. They can be conservative or speculative. A low leverage loan on an urban trophy asset has a profile similar to high-credit bonds, while a highly speculative development project can return similar returns to those seen with small-cap equity investments or VC funds.

    Real estate investment funds are a complex and capital-intensive venture. The costs of managing such funds depend on the type of fund you choose. Some are closed-ended and have a set term, while others are open-ended or continuation funds. As an investor, it is important to understand the fees associated with each fund. You should also be aware of the jurisdictions that your fund will operate in.

    While investing in real estate can be profitable, it is also important to understand the risks. Some funds use leverage in their investments, which increases the overall investment return. Other types of funds utilize leverage, which can be as much as 50%.

    Structure of a real estate investment fund

    There are many factors that affect the structure of a real estate investment fund. These factors can include complexity and performance. The most common consideration is the tax objectives of the investors. Some real estate investment funds are structured to maximize tax benefits, while others are structured as a cash-flow fund and pay distributions throughout the life of the fund.

    A real estate investment fund can be open-end or closed-end. An open-end fund allows investors to put their money into the fund anytime they wish, but a closed-end fund is not open to new contributions. This means that investors cannot withdraw their money or make additional contributions during the life of the fund. A closed-end fund can only return capital to investors if the underlying asset is sold, or if the cash flow from the real estate is positive enough to provide dividends.

    A private fund can also contract with a third party to act as developer, general contractor, and property manager. These funds may ask investors to pay a fee to these third parties to serve as the manager of the real estate investments. Some investors may question the purpose of the management fee. But this fee is not related to the actual investments made by the fund, but to the management of the properties.

    Before launching a real estate investment fund, sponsors need to carefully consider the compensation arrangements. They should be aligned with the objectives of the investors and sponsor. While it is not advisable to view the fund as a fee-based venture, sponsors must be willing to incorporate fees in order to provide value for their investors.

    Author – Ben Jones M&G

    Ben Jones

    Ben Jones M&G, a top fund manager

    Jones ran the firm’s 8 billion pound ($10.5 billion) long lease real estate business at M&G.

    Ben Jones @ MandG on Twitter

  • Lord Howe Island Accommodation

    Get Away to Stunning Lord Howe Island in NSW

    Get away to beautiful Lord Howe Island and stay in luxury NSW accommodation – why go overseas when you have it all on your doorstep?

    Lord Howe Island Accommodation

    If you’re planning a vacation to Lord Howe Island, you’ll need to find some accommodations that suit your needs. You can choose from several options, such as the Arajilla Retreat, Bowker Beach House, or Capella Lodge. In this article, we’ll discuss a few of these options.

    Somerset Apartments Lord Howe Island

    Somerset is perfectly situated between Neds Beach and the Lagoon, on a level area of Lord Howe Island, allowing easy walking and biking to nearby shops, restaurants and the Visitor Centre.

    The accommodation units are nestled in subtropical palm groves alive with splashes of colour from Hawaiian hibiscus and fragrant frangipani flowers. The grounds are well planned, with tracks meandering through the palms and gardens, giving a sense of seclusion and tropical mystery.

    Somerset Apartments is the ideal Lord Howe accommodation location for visitors wanting to explore and discover the natural attractions that have made Lord Howe Island famous

    Bowker Beach House

    Nestled in a tropical forest and on a quiet beach, Bowker Beach House is a beautiful bolthole for two. The interior and outdoor spaces are beautifully appointed and fully equipped, and the property also has its own beach-side deck for soaking up the sun. A Bose sound system and a DVD player make your stay even more comfortable.

    This luxurious two-bedroom beach house offers spacious outdoor areas and two resort hammocks. The climate in Lord Howe is mild year-round, with temperatures ranging from 28 degrees in summer to just 13 degrees in winter. The island is easily accessible from Sydney and Brisbane, with flights taking about two hours to reach.

    Capella Lodge

    Set in a picturesque bay, Capella Lodge is one of the few luxury resorts on Lord Howe Island. It offers guests a pristine environment and a high standard of personal service. It has nine contemporary suites that blend elegant design with natural surroundings. Most suites come with private decks and plunge spas.

    The resort is modern, yet cosy, with beach-chic furniture and art. The cuisine uses island-grown produce and fresh line-caught fish, and the spa offers a menu with local ingredients and Australian-made Li’Tya spa products. Guests can indulge in a range of relaxing and rejuvenating treatments at the Capella Spa, with treatments that use local seafood, foraged herbs and plants.

    The luxury retreat of Capella Lodge boasts sweeping views of the ocean and its twin peaks. The elegant interiors feature island-themed artwork and kentia-palm-fringed decks. Dining at the Capella Restaurant highlights the bounty of local seafood. Guests may also indulge in kayaking and glass bottom boat tours.

    Lidgbird Pavilion suite

    The Lidgbird Pavilion suite is a stylish yet intimate retreat with a wraparound balcony on the top floor and a separate living room on the ground floor. The suite also features an outdoor rain shower and an alfresco bathtub. You’ll have all the luxury you need to recharge and relax in this island retreat.

    This luxurious suite has floor-to-ceiling windows that frame the island’s beautiful landscape. The view is simply breathtaking from this suite, which boasts views of Mount Gower and Mount Lidgbird. The Lidgbird Pavilion suite also has a private plunge pool.

    The Pavilion at Mount Gower is an exclusive nine-suite complex. It features a 125-square-metre suite that can accommodate three people with the addition of a daybed. This suite offers high ceilings and a king-sized bed with views of the lagoon and mountains. Other suites include a Lagoon Loft with a king-size bed and a deck with a hot tub. The Catalina Suite has two bedrooms and two decks, including a Jacuzzi.

    Arajilla Retreat

    Arajilla Retreat is a luxurious resort nestled in the sheltered northern end of the lagoon on Lord Howe Island. It offers a friendly service and a relaxed atmosphere. Its location is convenient for the town centre, Old Settlement Beach and a range of hiking and biking trails. The resort also features a renowned restaurant and spa.

    The resort offers king-sized rooms with ensuite bathrooms. They also feature a kitchenette and a balcony or terrace. Rooms feature ceiling fans, IDD telephones, hair dryers, and a DVD library. Arajilla Retreat also offers mountain bikes, backpacks, and complimentary beach towels.

    Kim’s Lookout

    Kim’s Lookout is the highest point on Lord Howe Island and is perfect for those who want to experience the island’s best views. The walk up to the lookout takes less than two hours and allows for time to enjoy the sunrise or sunset. It also provides breathtaking views of Mount Lidgbird and Mount Gower.

    The Kims Lookout trail starts at Old Settlement Beach and climbs through the trees to the lookout. It takes about 30 to 40 minutes and is fairly steep. The views from the top are spectacular and definitely worth the hike.

    Find out more from the Lord Howe Island visitors centre

    SPONSORED: Get away to Lord Howe Island

  • Aussie Holidays in NSW

    Australian holidays are the best way to relax and enjoy yourself

    Australian holidays are the best way to relax and enjoy yourself in the time of Covid. If you have always wanted to take a break from the routine life, then you can easily spend your Australian holidays in NSW holiday homes. This part of Australia is blessed with many picturesque landscapes. The weather is pleasant all year round and the beaches are world famous. This is also one of the safest holiday destinations for tourists.

    The ideal Australian holiday will include spending time in Australia’s beautiful country locations such as Sydney, Bathurst, Hunter Valley and the Blue Mountains. There are endless options to explore when you choose to stay in holiday rentals in Sydney. These are the most popular places to go for sightseeing. You can get up close and personal with the animals and birds of Australia’s wonderful flora and fauna. Or, enjoy a peaceful sojourn by the seaside.

    When you want to get out of the city and into the natural beauty of rural Australia, then you should consider staying in holiday homes in Southern Highlands. Here, you can enjoy breathtaking views of the ocean and mountains from your holiday rental homes. You will find no less amenities and services when you stay in these houses. To ensure that you have a great holiday experience, be sure to check out various holiday rentals in Sydney and other major cities such as Newcastle, Melbourne and Brisbane before your actual trip.

    Check out the beautiful choices for an Aussie beach getaway at VillaGetAways

    the author

    Watch: Top 5 Luxury Accommodation Options in Byron Bay, Australia (Villas, Resorts, Hotels, Retreats & More)

  • work

    How to make a personal injury claim

    When accidents happen, everyone tries to claim their share of the compensation from those responsible. Personal Injury lawyers are the lawyers who take up these claims on behalf of their clients. It is the job of a personal injury lawyer to assess the case and then present it in front of the court as well as to all the people involved. There are various types of personal injury cases one may have to know about and one of them is that of work-related accidents.

    These claims are very important because the injured person may not be able to continue his/her work. Also the company whose property has been damaged or whose injuries have occurred will also not be able to function properly. There are two different types of personal injury claim, that may have to be claimed by an individual work related claims and personal injury claims. In order to receive a share of the compensation amount the company whose property has been damaged or whose injuries have occurred will have to provide you with a financial deal. This financial deal will include the cost of medical bills, any loss incurred due to the accident and any other compensation that has been agreed upon. The lawyers take up these claims based on the basis of the ‘no win no fee agreement’ and they never take up these cases if they do not win the case. (for recommendations see Peninsula Personal Injury Lawyers.)

    Workplace law is very complex and if you wish to receive a claim for your accident then hiring a personal injury lawyer who takes up these cases on a no win no fee basis is a good idea. Some people who have a work-related accident have the belief that they can sue their employers individually for receiving their share of the settlement amount. However, employers usually have a clause in their contract that states an employee has to receive a percentage of the settlement. So, if you wish to claim for the compensation amount you need to inform your employer about your accident. He may tell you to sign a ‘no win no fee’ agreement so that you don’t have to pay any money if you lose the case.

    For alternative specialist law firms such as divorce lawyers visit Dimond Family Lawyers.

  • home

    Painting and Decorating – adding a touch of class to your Sydney home

    Painting your home – a sense of style

    Do you have a unique sense of style that you’d like to add to your home? Are you interested in applying the latest trends and fashions to make your home a welcoming oasis? If so, then taking home decorating tips from professional decorators can be an excellent idea. Although hiring a professional interior designer may seem like the more affordable option, you may find yourself regretting it down the line because they tend to know what is fashionable and how to choose colours and themes that will appeal to your home’s occupants.

    Personal taste for home decoration vs professional painters and stylists

    Instead of letting your personal taste determine what type of furniture and home decorating accessories you decide to purchase, use home decorating tips from professionals to guide you through the process. Deciding what is fashionable, what colors you should use, what type of lighting fixtures to install, and where to put your cupboards and storage drawers are some of the things that a home decorator may suggest. While you might be tempted to take these suggestions for granted, you would be surprised at how much time, energy, and money you could save by following professional advice. Not only will you save money on your interior design project, but you will also discover how to choose colours and themes that suit your interests, talents, and lifestyle better than what you would normally come up with on your own.

    Searching for decorating ideas

    When searching for home decorating ideas, you’ll likely come across many different techniques and styles that can help you create a beautiful home without breaking your budget. Take a look around at magazines, home improvement stores, and the Internet to see what is trendy and what type of products are selling well. Remember that it is not always necessary to hire a professional interior designer to complete your interior design project. In fact, many of the same techniques can be used to create the most beautiful home decorating you’ve ever seen. If you are willing to put in a little time, effort, and money, you can use your home decorating ideas to create a place that not only looks beautiful but also functions wonderfully.

    Find out more about painting your Sydney home at J & E Kogan Painting

  • hemp clothing for women

    Hemp clothing for women – we show you what’s new

    Hemp clothing is quickly becoming a staple in the women’s organic clothing arena. Not only does hemp clothing make perfect sense for the Earth, it also makes great sense for your wardrobe. Almost every apparel item that can be manufactured using more traditional, non-biodegradable fabrics can also be made using hemp with significantly less impact on our environment. This advantage is certainly good, but it also is particularly helpful for traveling; because you’ll get more use out of every hemp clothing article, you don’t need to pack as many!

    The fact that hemp is naturally strong and durable is what gives it the edge over other natural fibers. Natural fibers such as cotton or silk are brittle and subject to damage from both moisture and heat. Hemp is a hundred percent natural fiber, which means it is strong enough to make comfortable clothing that doesn’t feel stiff or wear out as easily. Although hemp is quite flexible and has a slight sheen to it, this doesn’t change the fact that it is a very durable fabric.

    One of hemp clothing benefits is that it is an eco-friendly fabric, because it doesn’t require the use of any synthetic pesticides or fertilizers to grow. Organic materials such as hemp grow better than crops grown using synthetic chemicals, because they don’t require these practices. The fact that hemp grows without the use of pesticides makes it safer for the environment overall. Since hemp clothing is made using natural fibers, these issues are greatly diminished, making hemp clothing more affordable than clothing made from traditional materials which use pesticides.

    We definitely recommend mixing and matching some of these styles for your hemp summer look:


    All styles are available from VitalHemp https://www.vitalhemp.com/

    Women’s Hemp V-neck Hemp T-shirt $44

    Women’s Hemp Long Sleeve $60

    Women’s Anywhere Hemp Pant $119

    Racer Back Hemp Tank Dress $69